ricciobianco 161Our company has always placed at the center of its mission a constant research that tends to an agriculture globally clean, respectful of man and the environment.frecciasottointera
Orto Ricci - Anzio
Floating system
The Floating System is a cultural technique by which plants are sown on sterile soil contained in floating supports placed in waterproof bowls containing water and nutrients.

The resulting advantages are represented by a reduction in water consumption and the lack of dispersion of fertilized water in the soil as well as the absence of fumigants and chemical residues otherwise present. The product obtained is of excellent hygienic and sanitary quality.

The same advantages are obtained through subirrigation. With this technique, the seedlings, sown in a cube of sterile soil, are placed on a subirrigated mat with nutrients gradually absorbed by the plant. The excess water is not dispersed but is reused for other land-based crops.

Orto Ricci - Anzio
logo biologico

IL NOSTRO OBIETTIVO è un’agricoltura che salvaguardi la fertilità naturale del terreno e che eviti ogni forma di inquinamento, mirando ad eliminare la presenza di sostanze nocive nei nostri prodotti e riducendo al minimo l’impatto ambientale su acque, terreni e aria.
Orto Ricci - Anzio
Integrated pest
All our cultivations are carried out through integrated pest management, an agronomic defence technique that provides for a drastic reduction in the use of plant protection products (and in general of all synthetic chemical products) implemented through alternative means with a lower environmental impact and paying particular attention to the characteristics of health of agricultural products.

This methodology exploits all possible tools (biotic and abiotic) such as plant extracts and antagosnist mushrooms in order to obtain the balance of the agroecosystem, integrating methods and tools borrowed from organic farming, minimizing the contribution of chemicals.

The resulting advantages are as follows:
1) elimination of chemical residues and harmful substances deriving from the use of plant protection products or present in the environment;
2) achievement of maximum production performance.
Orto Ricci - Anzio
logo compostabilesolo
We are the first in our sector to think of a line of totally biodegradable and compostable "plastic free" packaging and we called it ORTO RICCI GREEN.

logo ortoriccigreen
Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic waste are poured into the oceans, causing irreparable damage to the entire ecosystem and to our health.

The ORTO RICCI GREEN packages, both the tray and the envelope, are made entirely of BIOPLASTIC, obtained from materials of vegetable origin, and can therefore be disposed of completely in the wet as a normal organic waste.


Because development is sustainable only if it is able to ensure "the satisfaction of the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to achieve their own".
Orto Ricci - Anzio
rainwater recovery
All greenhouse systems convey the rainwater into a reservoir and then be reintroduced into the irrigation circle, after suitable filtration, allowing a huge saving of a valuable asset such as water.
Orto Ricci - Anzio
Recycling of
production materials
With the waste of processing and recycling of production materials we produce a compost that is used to fertilize the soil and / or transformed into potting soin.
Orto Ricci - Anzio
Energia e centrale termica a metano


Orto Ricci - Lazio


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